Türkiye's 4 defense firms included in world's top 100 list

Türkiye's 4 defense firms included in world's top 100 list

America's Lockheed Martin takes first place in annual ranking by Defense News

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Four Turkish defense giants are included in the top 100 defense firms list published by the US-based Defense News magazine on Monday.

Türkiye's Aselsan was at 47th place in the annual ranking, up from 49th last year, said the outlet that describes itself as “the authoritative, independent, professional news source for the world’s defense decision-makers.”

Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) was at 58, up from 67, while missile producer Roketsan climbed to 80th place from 86th.

The Military Factory and Shipyard Management Inc. (Asfat) also entered the list for the first time and took the 100th spot.

Aselsan's defense revenues totaled $2 billion in 2022, while TAI's revenues amounted to $1.48 billion, Roketsan's $873.3 million, and Asfat's $443.5 million.

Lockheed Martin was in the first place again with defense revenues of $63.3 billion on the list, followed by RTX with $39.6 billion, and Northrop Grumman with $32.4 billion.

While the top three firms were from the US, six out of the top 10 were US-based, three from China, and one from the UK.

Kaynak:Source of News

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