German government unveils bill to legalize cannabis

German government unveils bill to legalize cannabis

Chancellor Scholz’s coalition government agrees on draft law to allow adults to grow, consume limited amounts of cannabis

By Anadolu staff

BERLIN (AA) - Germany on Wednesday unveiled a bill for the legalization of cannabis for personal use.

According to the draft legislation, which was approved by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Cabinet, adults will be allowed to grow and consume limited amounts of cannabis.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said the proposed legislation represents a “turning point” in the national policy to combat drugs.

Lauterbach said the government has agreed on the “controlled legalization” of cannabis, as the previous measures have failed to reduce cannabis consumption, but resulted in an increase in drug-related crime.

“Today there is a large black market which is a great problem, as cannabis products are increasingly with toxic dosages or contain toxic additives,” he said.

Lauterbach argued that the new legislation will be more effective in combating the black market, protecting individuals against toxic drugs, and reducing drug-related crime.

He also underlined that the use of cannabis will remain illegal for teenagers.

- Limited legalization of cannabis

According to the proposed bill, individuals aged 18 and above will be allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis. The self-cultivation of up to three plants for personal consumption will also be permitted.

Non-profit associations, with a maximum of 500 members, will be allowed to grow cannabis and distribute it to members.

A member could get a maximum of 50 grams of cannabis per month, according to the draft legislation.

The bill requires parliamentary approval to become a law, and it is expected to be discussed at the Bundestag after the summer recess.

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