Muscle and skeletal pain affects office workers more

Muscle and skeletal pain affects office workers more

Office workers commonly seek help for neck and back pain resulting from extended computer usage, says expert

By Deniz Cicek Palabiyik

ANKARA (AA) - Medicana Health Group said on Wednesday that frequent musculoskeletal pain affects “negatively” the quality of life and can vary based on age, gender, and individual characteristics.

Medicana Health Group's Professor Dr. Figen Ayhan, an expert in Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Pain Medicine (Algology), told Anadolu that office workers commonly seek help for neck and back pain resulting from extended computer usage.

She said that spine pain involves multiple disciplines, stating that experts in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Algology, and Rheumatology evaluate these pains together.

She added that office workers often seek help for neck and back pain caused by prolonged computer use, including complaints related to neck pain due to cervical herniation.

Ayhan said lower back pain was common in physically demanding jobs and sedentary executives, leading to a workforce reduction.

She emphasized the need for advanced tests in cases like lumbar herniation, trauma, infection, cancer, and rheumatism.

Ayhan said joint pain is common in musculoskeletal problems.

In rheumatic diseases, she said symmetrical painful swelling in hands, feet, and fingers leads to grip and walking issues.

"Mechanical knee pain, commonly in young athletes, comes from structures like meniscus and ligaments, while in the elderly and obese, it's often due to osteoarthritis. Shoulder pain, the second most common joint issue, can result from excessive strain in gym-goers and diabetic patients, causing tendon tears,” she added.

Emphasizing the importance of carefully listening to the patient's history during the diagnostic process, she said: "We determine the type of pain mainly through personalized questions. During the physical examination, we evaluate not only the relevant area but also the entire spine for possible referred pain. For short-term mild pain, extensive diagnostic tests might not be necessary. However, in cases of suspected traumatic injury, infection, rheumatic disease, metabolic disorder, or cancer metastasis, we move to more advanced testing. This may include routine blood tests and additional tests based on the suspected condition. For persistent pain that doesn't respond to simple methods, we turn to imaging techniques."

- Various treatments are being applied

Ayhan said diverse treatments for musculoskeletal pain include dry needling, injections, radiofrequency, ozone therapy, hyaluronic acid, anti-rheumatic treatments, and dietary supplements.

"Pain management begins with gentle exercises. Proper breathing and discussing treatment, along with psychologist support, are vital for chronic pain. Sharing experiences, hobbies, social activities, good sleep, and relaxation techniques like meditation help reduce pain. Positive thinking, exercise, and breaking harmful habits matter. Work smart, not hard, to preserve your joints,” she added.

*Writing by Necva Tastan

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